Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Three Months!

Life has been much less stressful since I determined my new official move date. Now that I no longer feel in limbo, as I did for those few months last fall, I have been able to be more at peace here at home. In January I moved into a downtown apartment with a life-long friend, just a few buildings down from my brother’s new coffee shop (where I am currently drinking warm loose tea and typing this update ;).

The start of this year has been full of planning and organizing for a community-wide rummage give-away hosted by my home church.  After months of preparation, 4 weekends of organizing the donations, hand-delivering nearly a thousand invitations to local families and individuals, Saturday, March 16th the big day finally arrived!  The whole vision behind the give-away was not merely to give free food, clothes, toys, etc. to whoever showed up, but to build relationships with those people.  What a day!  I was so encouraged by how many people came and all those who volunteered their time, resources, and love to make this vision achievable.  As the give-away was underway, we also served breakfast and lunch to all – the kitchen was full of old friends and new sitting together, sharing laughter or tears.  It was such a beautiful day of unity within our church and outside of it.  What a blessing to be a part of!

The reality of Korea is really setting in – over the weekend I realized there are only three months until I will be on my way! Three months?! Goodness, it’s going to FLY.  I am making steady progress on my paperwork (I had to reapply for my background check since they expire every six months). Once I complete my medical examinations I will send all the papers I’ve collected to my employers so they can begin the E2 (teaching) visa process. Once my visa is released, I go for my interview at the Korean consulate in Washington D.C. Taking life one day at a time.
I continue to covet your prayers as I move forward from one phase of this journey to the next.  God has been working on my heart, stretching it and molding it – though often painful – I know He is preparing me for whatever is ahead!

In Him, ~Katelynn

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