Sunday, June 10, 2012

Conquering the Paperwork for Korea

After my college graduation last month, my move to South Korea has begun sinking in more and more as reality.  I am so thankful for all my college experiences and the priceless-friendships that have sprouted from the last four years.  But it is time to move on and to learn outside of the classroom!

This summer has already been very busy - working just about full-time in retail, babysitting, participating in several small groups, and spending time with my family and friends has occupied so much of my time.  One of my top priorities however has been on collecting all the documents needed to prepare for Korea in August.  I have been making numerous phone calls and sending emails to people from the FBI, the Office of Authentications, the State Department of TN, my University, Connexus (my employer), and even family and friends who are knowledgeable in foreign travels.  It has been a long and complicated process and I ask for prayers for clarity and the speedy return of my last few documents, everything needs to be ready to send to Korea by the first week of July.

Some blessings thus far: I received the results of my background check two months earlier than I could have received it and I still rejoice over the recent recovery of my lost SS card.  I know that God will continue providing as he has (sometimes I just forget!)!

In Him, ~Katelynn

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